Anything Can Be A Dog...

Izzy, Michele and I went to Zoo Atlanta on Sunday -- it's a pretty crappy zoo but we thought Izzy would get a kick out of seeing the animals. The video is of Izzy at the Children's Zoo petting (and getting knocked around by) the sheep and goats. Izzy thinks the sheep is a dog. You'll also hear Michele repeatedly call the same sheep a goat... Don't worry though, a young child does correct her.
Michele got the rest of the animal names right, but lions, pandas and kangaroos were still "dog" to Izzy. She had a good time, but truthfully she probably would have been just as happy going to PetSmart on one of the pet adoption weekends. And she would have looked like a genius pointing and saying "dog" over and over again.
On a completely different note, I just realized this morning that the sign up box for the email list wasn't working. Sorry about that... It's fixed now. If you sign up, you'll get an automatic email every time I post.
More updates to come... In the meantime, please feel free to vicariously enjoy our afternoon at the petting zoo.